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Club notes Dec. 12


Ringen Bushy 4-H Club

The Ringen Bushy 4-H Club meeting was called to order at 7 p.m. Dec. 2 by President Chase Stone. Pledges were led by Zack Cordes. Roll call followed along with the reading and approval of the minutes and treasurer’s report. 

Old business included an update on the Community Center, reminders for enrollments, demonstrations by the officer team, Loralei Strange, and Geoffrey Miller, to have a stuffed animal drive and Christmas card signing for our December community service, and lastly to include refreshments at our December meeting.

For new business, the club began with demonstrations. RJ Asbury demonstrated how to bathe a puppy, Zack Cordes and Cooper Neel demonstrated the parts of a bow along with what’s needed to shoot it, and Gabe Brunjes and Angel Brunjes demonstrated how to show a pig.  Next, we collected volunteers for the demonstrations in January which include the following: Isabell Arnold, Buzz Harris, and Loralei Strange. As the third order of business, Allison Asbury presented the idea of fundraising through McCall’s Candles or Jordan Essentials. A motion was made by Loralei Strange to fundraise with McCall’s Candles. During discussion, we decided to have a follow-up on the details at the next meeting. The club then voted and the motion was passed. For the final order of business, everyone signed cards for the nursing home and gathered stuffed animals to donate to Child Safe. RJ Asbury, Chase Stone, and Loralei Strange volunteered to pass out the cards and the Arnolds volunteered to drop off the stuffed animals. A motion preceded by Zack Cordes to adjourn the meeting. The motion was seconded and the meeting was adjourned.

The minutes are respectfully submitted by Ringen Brushy 4-H Club Vice President Abigail Arnold.

Van Natta 4-H Club

The Van-Natta 4-H Club meeting was called to order at 4:40 p.m. Dec. 6 by President Mikensey DeVorss. There were five male youth, three female youth, four female adults and one male adult in attendance. The Pledges were done, followed by roll call. The treasurer’s report was read by Faith Burkhalter and was approved. The minutes were read and approved.

Old business: The club will be putting together a basket for the family that was adopted for Christmas today. Anyone that needs to enroll in 4-H, needs to get to the website and enroll.

New business: Gage Burkhalter made the motion to do Christmas Carols in Green Ridge on Dec. 20. Gabe Burkhalter seconded the motion. The motion passed. Gabe Burkhalter moved that the meeting be adjourned. Faith Burkhalter seconded the motion. The meeting was adjourned.

The minutes were respectfully submitted by Van Natta 4-H Club Secretary Gage Burkhalter.