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Club Notes for Oct. 21


Beta Alpha Chapter of Alpha Delta Kappa

The Beta Alpha Chapter of Alpha Delta Kappa, international honorary sorority for women educators, met Monday, Sept. 25 at Christ & Trinity Church and via Zoom.

President Mary Beatty called the meeting to order. She expressed thanks to the executive committee for providing the “potato bar” enjoyed by the members before the meeting.

Dr. Kristee Lorenz, Chaplain, shared a devotional titled “Learning Curve.”

Mary shared plans made by the Executive Board during their planning meeting in June.

Andrea Eppenauer presented the treasurer’s report.

Rene Vanderpool shared correspondence from Lauren Grupe and the American Legion Auxillary.

Diana Ball reported that ADK Month will be celebrated at the October meeting.

Andrea Eppenauer explained the process for nominating new members. Seven names were submitted.

Members were encouraged to sign up online for next year’s Relay for Life activities.

Betsy Wiley reported for the Courtesy Committee that many birthday, sympathy, get well, and thinking of you cards had been sent during the past month.

Beatty reported on the national convention she and Eppenauer attended in Kansas City.

Door prizes were won by Tara Akin, Robin Blackburn, and Lorin B. Thierfelder.

Beatty asked that weveryone continue to keep the “sustaining” members in thought and prayer: Yvonne Fowler, Mary Folkerts, and Delores Foster. Congratulations were expressed to recent retirees Jeri Perkins and Karen Twenter.

Sorosis Club

On Oct. 16, the Heard Memorial Club House hosted the Sorosis meeting. President Pat Palmer opened the meeting with Shirley Evans leading the Pledge of Allegiance. Palmer conducted the usual business updates and Board President Marty Graves expressed the updates on the house continue as planned. There is no need to bring bottle water to meetings as the house has new water lines free of the old lead pipes.

Member Mary McIntosh sponsored the program “Courtroom Memories from the Bench," with guest speaker retired Associate Judge Gary Fleming. (detail video posted) Fleming attended: Southwest Missouri State University, B.A., 1968; Law School at Washington University, J.D., 1971; his Year of First Admission was1971; Admission in 1971, Missouri; 1972, U.S. District Court, Western District of Missouri; 1978, U.S. Supreme Court and U.S. Court of Appeals, Eighth Circuit.

Refreshments were provided by Shirley Evans, Ann Fleming, and Mary McIntosh. Stacey Beard was the lucky winner of the door prize. There were approximately 25 members and guests present.

Sorosis usually meets the first and third Mondays of each month. Visitors are always welcome; dues are $40 per year. Heard House is located at 200 W. Broadway Blvd. in Sedalia. Sorosis.TheHeardHouse@gmail.com.

Ringen Brushy 4-H 

The regular monthly meeting of the Ringen Brushy 4-H Club was hosted Oct. 11, at the Smithton school cafeteria, with 26 members present and four officers. The Roll call answer was do you have a working smoke detector in your home? The meeting was called to order by Buzz Harris, president, and the minutes recorded by Josie Peck, secretary. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved. The treasurer's report was read and approved.

Cindy Gerke thanked Abram May for his work on the 4-H scrapbook as well as all those that helped with the window display. She also encouraged all members to sign up for 4-H. Enrollment opened on Oct. 1. She also stated that there will be a county wide photography leader this year.

The program was presented by the Pettis County Fire Department that gave a presentation on the importance of maintaining smoke and carbon monoxide detectors. They had their truck on display outside and showed various equipment.

Under New Business, Installation of the 2023-2024 President: Buzz Harris, Vice President: Maecy North, Secretary: Josie Peck, Treasurer: Codee Niebruegge, Historians: Abram May, Reese Niebruegge, and Lexi Moon, Sunshine Leaders: Loralei Strange and Adler May.

Fundraising was discussed for the new year and R.J. Asbury moved to table this discussion until the next meeting. Zach Cordes seconded the motion.

Community Service was discussed with the following options: adopt a family for Thanksgiving or hold a non-perishable food drive for the November meeting. Zach Cordes moved to have a food drive for the November meeting. R. J. Asbury seconded the motion.

The May family donated all scrapbook materials.

Discussions were held about a new T-shirt design for the 2023-2024 year. Abram May motioned to have the new designs submitted by the November meeting. Reese Niebruegge seconded the motion.

Discussions were held about a Ringen Brushy Facebook Page. Loralei Strange moved to create a Facebook Page. Reese Niebruegge second the motion. Cindy and Adam will research whether this should be an open or closed Facebook Group.

Demonstrations for the November meeting will be by Loralei Strange, Elsie May and Grant Amos, Adler May, Abram May and the officer team.

Reminders were made to county council representatives that meetings are held the last Monday of every other month. Recognition banquet will be on Nov. 27. There is a special meeting to be held at the extension office Oct. 23.

A reminder was made that in the case of inclement weather and Smithton School is canceled the day of a 4-H meeting 4-H will be canceled.

Future meetings will be held Nov. 8, Dec. 13, January 10, Feb. 14, March 13 at the Smithton School Cafeteria.

Reese Niebruegge made a motion to adjourn the meeting.

The minutes were submitted byJosie Peck, secretary.

Dresden 4-H Club

Dresden 4-H Club hosted its meeting, Sunday, Oct. 8 at LaMonte Methodist Church. The meeting was called to order by Rhett Sneed, president at 5:05 p.m. with 14 members, fourteen guests, and two leaders were present.

American and 4-H pledges were led by Damion Close and Samuel Dehan.

Membership Roll Call was “What is your Favorite Exercise to do?”

The Sept. 8 minutes were read by Reagan Sneed, secretary. Minutes were approved as read. The Treasurer’s Report was given by Kinze Wilbanks, treasurer, approved as presented.

Under Old Business, 4-H’ers gave reports on 4-H events and activities they had attended. Club members added to collect Kleenexes for teachers/student, collect blankets and gently used jackets for the Salvation Army, and collect books for nursing homes, schools, and children’s homes. A Thank You card was sent around for everyone to sign to send to Jeff Tucker at Crown Power for allowing Dresden 4-H to put their Window Display up in their business during 4-H week. Members were reminded to sign up for the new 4-H year Online.

Under New Business, Sharon Bruner gave a report to the club on the Pettis County 4-H Council meeting on Sept. 25. Judges’ comment sheets were handed out to those who entered events at Achievement Days. Information was given about the 4-H Showcase held in Warrensburg on Oct. 29. Club members were given the website to do the Common Measurers Survey.

Kay Sparks did a demonstration on “What goes into putting up the Dresden 4-H Window Display.” Additional information was given to members on how to do Demonstrations.

The next meeting is at 5 p.m. Nov. 12 at La Monte Methodist Church. The Sneed family brought healthy snacks and drinks and Reagan and Rhett Sneed are doing Demonstrations.

Eli Dehan did a demonstration on “Tips & Tricks for Cattle Photography.” Samuel Dehan did a demonstration on “How to Make a Tin Can Silhouette.”

Samue Dehan made a motion to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Austin Wood. Motion carried.

The minutes were submitted, Samuel Dehan, club reporter.