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Club Notes for Oct. 7



October 2, 2023, the Heard Memorial Club House was host to the Sorosis meeting. President Pat Palmer opened the meeting with Susan Toman Rouchka leading the Pledge of Allegiance. Pat Palmer conducted the usual business updates and expressed condolences to Jean Faust Gallagher and family for the loss of her son Gregory Faust. Stacey Hill Beard updated members on the Treasurer Report.

Member Robin Blackburn introduced her guest speaker Corie Hickman, community volunteer, Smith-Cotton High School secondary English teacher and a former S-C graduate. She attended SFCC and UCM in Warrensburg and graduated with a Bachelor’s Degree with an Art Minor. She also works at the Community Café and helps to feed people in our community who suffer from food insecurities. She is the Café Board Secretary and helps to plan fundraising events as well as overseeing day to day operations of the Café. 

Refreshments were provided by Angela Tallman, Mary Jo Antibus and Pat Palmer. Becky Jaeger Wimann was the lucky winner of the door prize. There were approximately twenty-two members and guests present.

Sorosis usually meets the first and third Mondays of each month. Visitors are always welcome, after a few visits should you decide to join, dues are $40 per year. Heard House, 200 W. Broadway Blvd. in Sedalia.

Helen G. Steele Music Club

The Heard Memorial Club House hosted the Helen G. Steele Music Club on Sept. 27 exploring the music of Scandinavia. Guest speaker Katie Beard introduced members to the Scandinavian countries, Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Finland, and Iceland. Katie shared a video of the area highlighting the land, the music and the wildlife that share this beautiful arena along with a few local traditional items of a doll, serving tray, sweaters, scarves, and a wooden cheese box. The Music Club appreciated her taking time to share her experience and knowledge of the region. President Cindy Payne Decker shared her favorite Norwegian composer and pianist Edvard Grieg with a medley of his music on the piano.

After the program the meeting was opened by President Decker with announcements and updates. Treasurer Stacey Beard presented the financial report and Dr. Rhonda Chalfant, read the minutes of the last meeting.

Approximately 17 members and guests attended. Refreshments traditional to Scandinavia were provided and served by Cindy Decker, Stacey Beard and included Pam Lindstrom's Finnish coffee bread.

The Helen G. Steele Music Club meets the second and fourth Wednesdays of each month. Visitors are always welcome, if planning to become a member dues are $40 per year. Heard Memorial Club House, 200 W. Broadway Blvd. is in Sedalia. Sorosis.TheHeardHouse@gmail.com