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Entertainment Briefs for Oct. 20


Mid-Missouri Artists Plans Pumpkin Painting

The Thursday, Oct. 26, Mid-Missouri Artists meeting will feature a display of prints created in the Saturday, Oct. 14, Gelli Print Workshop. The main activity will consist of pumpkin painting. Persons attending are encouraged to come with some ideas for painting their pumpkin.

MMA will provide non-toxic acrylic paints and a few brushes, school glue, and some construction paper. People are welcome to bring other items to decorate with such as dried leaves, flowers or pictures, etc. After the pumpkins are decorated, everyone may take their pumpkin home, and those not taken will be displayed at the Survival House shelter through the end of October. Also recommended to bring are a container for water, a few paper towels, perhaps a brush or two and acrylic paints.

The meeting will begin at 6:30 p.m. in the Warrensburg Community Center Arts and Crafts Room. All MMA meetings are free and open to the public.

Vendor space is still available for the Saturday, Nov. 4 Holiday Arts and Crafts Show; for more information contact rlimback@gmail.com or 669-429-2446.