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Local Briefs for Sept. 13


Gem show scheduled for Sept. 20-23

The Mozarkite Society of Lincoln will host the 65th Annual, Rock & Gem Show from Sept. 20 through Sept. 23 at Lincoln City Park.

The show runs from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Friday and Saturday, along with 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. on Sunday. Admission is free.

Public digs for Mozarkite during show. Dealer set-up begins at noon Thursday, Sept. 19. For information call: Pam 660-287-5557, Karl 301-641-6188, Kelly 816-835-2044 or email mozarkiterocks@gmail.com.

Ticket Office Hours for Mozark Music Festival

The ticket office on the fairgrounds by the grandstand will be open before and during the festival for walk up tickets Wednesday, Sept. 18 and Thursday, Sept. 19 from noon until 6 p.m.

Hours Friday, Sept. 20 and Saturday, Sept. 2 will be 10 a.m. to 8 p.m..

There will also be other events on the fairgrounds such as Region 4 Fox Trot Fall Festival Horse Show in the coliseum featuring the Missouri Fox Trotter on Sept. 21.

Tickets are available now at mozarkfest.com