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Birthdays for June 14



Patricia Decker will observe her 92nd birthday on June 20.

She was born June 20, 1932, in Norwalk, Connecticut.

She has two children, Amanda McClain and George Lips, both of Sedalia.

Before retiring, Patricia was a teacher.

She enjoys reading, painting, playing solitaire on her tablet, and teaching ESL.

Birthday cards may be sent to Patricia at Sylvia G. Thompson Residence Center, 3333 W. 10th St. Sedalia, Mo. 65301.


Mary Estes will observe her 98th birthday on June 17.

She was born June 17, 1926, in Effington, Kansas.

She has two children, Janet Dewey of Sedalia and Jennifer Goss of Eldon.

Before retiring, she worked the proof machine at Third National Bank.

Mary enjoys sewing and crossword puzzles and attends church.

Birthday cards may be sent to Mary at Sylvia G. Thompson Residence Center, 3333 W. 10th St. Sedalia, Mo. 65301.


Carolyn McGarrah will observe her 89th birthday on June 22.

She was born June 22, 1935, in Kansas City, Missouri.

Carlyn has two children, Mark Albright of Hughesville and Michael Albright of Sedalia.

Before retiring, she was a bookkeeper and accountant.

Carolyn enjoys reading and playing games.

Birthday cards may be sent to Carolyn at Sylvia G. Thompson Residence Center, 3333 W. 10th St. Sedalia, Mo. 65301.

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