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Birthdays for June 7



Wallace Nelson will observe his 93rd birthday on June 14.

He was born June 14, 1931, in North Dakota.

Wallace is married to Charlotte Nelson, of Sedalia.

He has eight children, Bruce Nelson of Colorado, John Nelson of Washington, Charlene Patton of Nebraska, Randy Nelson of Springfield, Missouri, Brian Patton of Iowa, Mike Patton of Sedalia, Mark Patton of Sedalia, and Karen Laws of Sedalia.

Before retiring, Wallace was a pastor. He preached until he was 80 years old. He enjoys making walking sticks and birdhouses and collecting quarters.

Birthday cards may be sent to Wallace at Sylvia G. Thompson Residence Center, 3333 W. 10th St. Sedalia, Mo. 65301.


Arlene Swenning will observe her 88th birthday on June 14.

She was born June 14, 1936, in Tampa, North Dakota.

Arlene has one child, Sandra Moravec, of Sedalia.

Arlene was a homemaker, waitress, and fry cook. She also worked on aircraft for the Pan America World Airways.

She loves to read books and needlework.

Birthday cards may be sent to Arlene at Sylvia G. Thompson Residence Center, 3333 W. 10th St. Sedalia, Mo. 65301.


Eloise Young will observe her 99th birthday on June 9.

She was born June 9, 1925, in Wortham, Texas.

Eloise has two children, Timmy Young of Texas and Pat Love of Missouri.

Before retiring, Eloise worked as a cafeteria cook for 17 years.

She was a member of the Red Hat Society.

Birthday cards may be sent to Eloise at Sylvia G. Thompson Residence Center, 3333 W. 10th St. Sedalia, Mo. 65301.

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